The Alignment Engineer is responsible for vehicle alignment activities throughout all vehicle development phases and post launch warranty.
**Additional responsibilities include**: managing and analyzing lead/drift/pull vehicle performance data; issuing corporate and vehicle specific alignment process/performance standards; identifying alignment issues at new build phases; managing GIM issues; assembly plant alignment data collection and analysis; reporting on alignment quality; issuance of design acceptance checklists.
The engineer does interact with vehicle dynamics/chassis release engineers to set alignment targets and aids in developing suspension design concepts to meet targets. The engineer also works closely with the dimensional variation optimization team and virtual analysis to drive proactive solutions.
A close working relationship with the assembly plants is required. The engineer will be required to frequently visit the Saltillo Assembly Plant to provide manufacturing alignment process support at X0, X1, X2, J1, V2 build phases for Heavy Duty Truck, Ram Promaster and the new plant addition for Ram 1500. Daily visits are required for an extended period of time.
Mechanilal Electrical Engineering Bachelors Degree
Proactive and Reactive problem solving skills
Data mining skills
Statistical data analysis experience
Must be able to manage multiple projects simultaneously
Excellent written and verbal skills
Valid driver's license
Ability to travel to the USA
DFSS Green/ Black Belt desirable
Shainin Green/Black Belt desirable
Vehicle chassis design experience (brakes, frames, suspension, tires, steering, alignment)
Good teamwork skills and ability to work independently
Familiarity with Suspension Geometry Workbench, attitude charts and CAD
Familiarity with CAN/CANFD
Our benefits reflects the FCA commitment to helping you reach your personal and professional goals. In addition to an environment that promotes career development, we offer benefits for a healthy lifestyle and a rewarding future, designed to take care of you and your family, in various stages of life.
As a global company, our employee packages will vary by country, customary norms and the legal entity into which you are hired.