.No Relocation Assistance Offered150585:San Jose Iturbide, Guanajuato, MexicoObjectives:1. Drive innovation for sustained growth by supporting the Divisional Activity Grid projects with qualityexecution and speed; efficiently and effectively adapting, validating, and implementing global analyticalmethods; selectively developing or implementing other new analytical methods and technologies for the regions; and continuously providing timely support for the base business and local initiatives to drive the growth.2. Excel at delivering fundamentals by complying with Quality, Safety, Regulatory and EnvironmentalAffairs and Occupational Health and Safety requirements, and by integrating improvement projects and Corporate Sustainability Strategies in Implementation and Support processes at the GlobalTechnology Center.3. Maintain Funding the Growth as a competitive advantage, identifying and executing timelydivisional/regional FTG and simplification programs.CORE RESPONSIBILITIES:Provide analytical data to draw conclusions and recommend actions to Product Development,:Manufacturing and Global Technology Center partners.:Accurate results; assist in overcoming technical difficulties and promote continuous improvement.:Contribute to method development or optimization to analyze new raw materials, experimental:Formulas, finished products, competitive products, and troubleshooting samples.:Transfer analytical methods and new technologies to manufacturing site, and provide analytical:Support and training for solving problems and continuous improvement.:Follow written analytical lab procedures from global and experimental methods and published standard or compendia sources.:Maintain accurate, up to date and concise laboratory records.:Maintain, calibrate, qualify and troubleshoot instrumentation:DAY:TO:DAY RESPONSIBILITIES:Perform and report the results of routine quantitative and qualitative analysis of products and raw materials using analytical instrumentation in a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) laboratory environment.:Operate analytical instrumentation safely, following applicable procedures and methods; give basic maintenance when appropriate.:Provide analytical support to local Product Development teams, Global Technology Centers and:Manufacturing sites in the use of routine quantitative and qualitative analysis.:Document day:To:Day activities and analytical data according to compliance methods.:Document and share analytical:Specific technical learnings via appropriate oral and written:Communications to support method development, instrument evaluation, analytical research and:Continuous improvement.:Support analytical method development, optimization and validation; review wet chemical methods developed in other GTCs and offer continuous improvement where appropriate.:Present data to internal and external technical groups