**Inventory differences control vs. stamped parts (supply vs. production)**:
- Guarantee the shipment of parts according to the requirements of external clients
- Guarantee of supply of material to press and guarantee of availability of empty racks to collect the stamped parts
- Identify and eliminate unsafe acts and conditions that put people and facilities at risk
- ScholarshipLevel / Grade educational: Professional Degree (indispensable)
- Specialist: Engineering
- English: Intermediate
- Expertise:Previous Position: Team Leader
- Years in the last position: 1.5 years (Team Leader)
Practical Skills:
- Process control, personnel management, cost control, inventory control, development of technologies and tools and innovation processes.
- Conflict management, proactive, leadership, effective communication, disposition, creative.
- Technical, analytical, conceptual capacity, decision making, negotiation, reliability, adaptability, value generator, leadership, customer focus.
- Nissan (NMEX,NEdM, NRFS, NRFM y ANZEN) realiza contrataciones con base al cumplimiento del perfil de puesto en la vacante, sin distinción (ni discriminación por género, identidad y/o expresión de género, orientación sexual, ) raza, color, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición.
- Nissan (NMEX,NEdM, NRFS, NRFM and ANZEN) hires based on the fulfillment of the job profile in the vacancy, without distinction or discrimination based on gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, race, color, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition.
Aguascalientes Aguascalientes Mexico