This role is responsible for the prudential management of capital, funding, liquidity, and balance sheet in the Mexico.
Additionally, the Country Treasurer will be responsible for regulatory relationships and will serve as the Treasury representative for the relevant Boards of Directors.
Country Treasurer will be responsible for managing a team whose function it is to develop, implement and maintain robust balance sheet controls to ensure solvency and efficient usage of balance sheet resources.
This role ensures the effective management of balance sheet resources within Mexico. Additionally, the role is accountable for ensuring has robust liquidity and capital management practices, consistent with internal policy and local regulatory requirements.
In performing this function, the Country Treasurer must ensure that legal entities under his or her purview adhere to local regulatory liquidity requirements and internal liquidity policy requirements. As well as, maintain Central Bank relationship.
Mexico Treasurer will develop funding capabilities in both debt and capital markets, as well as, driving banking relationships on and offshore.
The role requires a substantial amount of senior stakeholder and regulator management and is also a key senior leadership position within the Finance function.
**Key Responsibilities**:
The Country Treasurer is responsible for:
- Prudent management of the Balance Sheet of each Legal Entity and disciplined practices in managing treasury risk exposures.
- Managing capital, funding and liquidity of all the legal vehicles within their jurisdiction across all lines of business.
- Define treasury strategies with Market Risk and business segments. Providing product, customer and geographic businesses with risk identification, risk management, product development and funding strategy through appropriate transfer pricing of both interest and liquidity risks, as approved by the Country ALCO.
- Managing of resultant liquidity, interest rate and currency risks, adhering to buffers, limits and triggers, of local and internal minimum requirements.
- Manage transfer pricing and IRRBB.
- Evaluation of activities with all businesses to ensure regulatory and local rating agency requirements are met with respect to balance sheet, liquidity, interest rate, FX, and capital measurements.
- Communication to Country ALCO of accurate and timely information about material balance sheet exposure, changes, and issues.
- The following outlines the behaviours and tasks associated with each Area of Responsibilities Country Treasurers are responsible for:
**_ Business Engagement and ALCOs:_**
Conduct an effective ALCO in coordination with the CEO, ensuring the primary responsibilities of Country ALCO are covered and governance best practices. Work collaboratively with the CEO and businesses to drive an efficient and prudential balance sheet, oversee and influence liquidity levels and structures, oversee and ensure transparent execution of transfer pricing for the businesses in accordance with policies and plans, drive returns for the country. Country Treasurer engagement in Balance Sheet planning and budgeting, to ensure appropriate allocation between assets/liabilities products and forward-looking balance sheets are implemented in line with expectation.
**_ Liquidity:_**
Manage the liquidity profile of the entities in your country including prudent management of intraday liquidity and daily liquidity metrics / short term cash flow forecasts, to meet minimum regulatory and internal liquidity requirements as required by internal policies and ensure escalation triggers are in place to provide early warning of funding pressures. Ensure proper escalation of any triggers and breaches in compliance with the requirements of internal policies. Prepare comprehensive Funding and Liquidity Plans, including Contingency Plans, and monitor balance sheet activity against these plans.
**_ FTP / LTP: _**
Oversee net interest margin and transfer pricing processes, establishment of single benchmark yield curves, Liquidity Premium, interest rate risk management of the banking books. Drive the consensus and sound decisions on country FTP / LTP to appropriately reflect business profitability based on true interest rates and liquidity costs of the franchise, and to transfer hedgeable market interest rate risk.
**_ Capital: _**
Ensure all legal entities in your country adhere to the minimum local capital requirements relevant for the entity based on its ICAAP, regulatory requirements, or approved risk appetite where applicable. Make certain that local entity dividends equate to remittable earnings for the current / prior year unless explicitly granted forbearance through the annual Capital Plan process. Assess the appropriate capital levels and additional repatriation / capital restructuring opportunities in country. Comply with all internal policies, standards and guidelines including.
**_ Interest Rate Risk: _**