Experienced Transaction/Listing manager needed.
Real estate company seeks strong team member that has listing and closing management as well as a work history that shows stability and dependability.
You-ll manage all administrative aspects providing support to our clients and team members.
The ability to problem solvllow processes, be self
- Managed, allow directions correctly is a must.
The right person must have a reliable work área, dependable internet, power & technology as well as aquiet environment to make calls.
Communication is key so excellent English verbal and written skills are a must.
Understanding of CRMs is helpful.
$ $8 hourly--Responsibilities--:
Save customer information in the CRM systerward all necessary paperwork to the office brokr file compliance, and track transaction activities Aid real estate agents, client*el, and other stakeholders with paperwork and ensure the completion of all escrow documents, such as appraisals, titles, and mortgage loans Manage transaction contracom both home buyers and sellers to close the deal ina timely manner Look over all paperwork to confirm they have the correct signatures and dates, assuring that the closing process has been done accurat*el and efficiently Manage the companies database Create basic marketing material--Qualifications--:
Previous Confidential in transaction management, transaction coordination, real estate, titles, or mortgages highly valued Passionate about providing excellent customer service--About Company--Our business is not about real estate.
It is we do, however, it is not who we are or why we are in business.
Who we are and why we do we do comom the desire to create opportunitir clients and team members.
Opportunities to help them achieve their goals and make their dreams a reality.
Committed means being willing to say anything, do anything that needs to be done, and go anywhere to achieve the goals of our clients.
Does this sound like something you could commit to
- Then we'd love to see if you are a got for our company.