The Staff Accountant supports Finance & Accounting leaders by performing routine tasks to support day to day operations and department objectives.
Assists with audits, period end, quarter end and year end process.
Controls and secures cash and cash equivalents for site in accordance with Cash Handling policy and Compliance requirements.
Maintains and balances financial information by inputting and verify data.
Gathers, prepares, and maintains financial and key metric reports/records utilizing various systems and tools.
Develops spreadsheets reports and validates for accuracy in a timely manner.
Responsible for Accounts Payable transactions which include processing payments and accruals accurately and timely.
Purchase Cards.
Conducts initial research to assist internal customers; escalates to F&A Leaders as appropriate.
Assist with financial and operational assignments as requested, as well as, monitoring the sites control environment.. Conducts analysis and assists in preparing general ledger entries by maintain records and files which include reconciliation accounts.
Follow all c o mpany pol i c i e s and p r o c e d ur e s ; ensure uniform a nd p ersonal a pp e ara n ces are c l ean a n d prof e ss i onal; maintain con f identiality of pro p rietary inf o rmat i on; protect c o mpany assets; p r ot e c t the priv a c y and s e c u rity of gues t s and cowork e rs.
S pe a k with ot h ers u s i n g cl e ar and p rof es sio n al lang ua ge; pre p are a nd revi e w written documen t s accurately a n d comp l etely; answer tel ep hon e s u s ing appro p riate et iquette.
Move, lift, carry, p ush, pull, a n d place o bj e cts wei g hing l e ss than or eq u al to 10 poun d s without ass i stance.
Devel o p and mainta i n positive working relatio n ships with others; su p p o rt team to re a c h comm o n g oals; list e n a n d r e spo n d a p pro p riately to the co n c e r n s of other emp l oyees.
Perform ot h er reason a ble j ob duti e s as requ e sted by Superv i sors.
Policies and Procedure
Maintain con f identiality of pro p rietary m a terials a nd in f ormati o n.
Protect the pr ivacy and security of gues t s and c o workers.
Follow co mp any and d e p a rtment pol i c i e s and p r o c e d ur e s.
Perform ot h er reason a ble j ob duties as requ e sted by Superv i sors.
Speak to g ue s ts a n d c o -workers u s ing cle a r, ap p ro p riate and p ro f essio n al lan g uage.
Prep a re a n d review written documen t s ( e.g., daily logs, busi n ess letters, m e mor a nda, re p or t s), includ i ng pr o ofread i ng and editi n g written informa t ion to ensure accuracy a n d complet e n e ss.
Talk with and listen to other employees to effectively exchange information.
Working w i th Others
Supp o rt all c o -w or kers a n d treat them wi t h dignity and resp e c t.
Ha n dle se n s itive iss u es with employe e s and/or g u e s ts with tact, respect, diplo ma c y, and c o nfidentiality.
Partner with and a ss i st others to pro m ote an envi r o nment of te a mw o rk a nd a c hieve com m on goa l s. General Fi n ance and Accounting
Ch ec k figur es, postin g s, a n d documen t s for c o rrect e n try, mathematical a c cur a cy, and pr o p e r cod e s.
Org a nize, s e cure, and ma i ntain all files and r e c o r d s i n accorda n ce with docum e nt retent i on a nd c o nfident i ality polici e s
and proced u res.
R e cord, stor e, and/or anal y z e informati o n usi n g pr o p e rty software.
Maintain a c curate el e c tro n ic s p re a dsh e ets for fina n c i al and a c co u nting data.
Comp l ete p e riod
- e nd c l os i ng pr o c e d u r e s and rep o rts as sp e c ified.
Prep a re, ma i ntain, and d i stribute stat i s tical, fina n cial, acco u nting, a uditing, or p a yroll re p orts a nd tabl e s.
Acc e ss com p uterized fina n cial informat i on to answ e r gen e ral q u es t ions a s well a s those relat e d to sp e c ific a c coun t s.